Make Valentine’s Day Special with Photo Printing

If photo printing services seem like an uninspired choice for Valentine’s Day, think again! Here are three ideas for meaningful photo-based gifts.
Finish Your Holiday To-Do List at PCC&M

There’s a lot to do this holiday season. Even if you actively try to keep things simple and low-key, your holiday to-do list always seems to grow longer than you expected. The good news is that you can check everything off your list with a trip to Peterborough Camera, Copies & More!
Support PCC&M on Small Business Saturday!

Avoid the mayhem of Black Friday this year. Come to Peterborough Camera to support local businesses on Small Business Saturday! Here are just a few of the products and services we offer.
3 Reasons to Take Photography Classes

Camera rental is a great way to try out new equipment, but it helps to know how to use it properly. Here are three reasons why you should try photography classes!
Photo Printing: 3 Unique Items to Put Your Pictures On

With photo printing services, you can do so much more than order prints. Here are three unique items to put your pictures on and preserve your memories.
Printing Services: 3 Reasons to Bind Your Documents

Binding documents is one of our most popular printing services. Here are three key reasons to include it as part of your next print job.
Digitize Your Documents for Better Storage and Access

Does your documentation need to move into the digital age? Here’s how digitizing your documents will make your life easier.
3 Tips for Choosing Packing and Shipping Services

When you arrive at a printing and office supply store to ship any item, you might be surprised—or even overwhelmed—by all the options available for packing and shipping services.
Photo Printing: Turn Pictures into Grad Gifts

At Peterborough Camera, Copies & More, we can help you make a personalized gift for your grad with our photo printing services, either in-store or online.
5 Reasons You Need Lamination

When it comes to office supplies and document management, lamination often takes a back seat to other, flashier tools.