Printing, Shipping, Photos, and More, All In One Place.

We are your one-stop shop for photos, printing, copying, shipping, camera supplies, cards, frames and more!



Make color and B&W copies for professional or personal use.

Pack & Ship

Pack and ship your items so that they arrive safe and secure.

Film Development

We develop 35mm and APS film. You can receive physical prints and digital backups.

Passport Photos

Have official passport photos taken on-site and easily start your passport application or renewal process.

More than just a print shop!

We do so much more than just make copies! Check out our photography services, photo printing, packing and shipping services, and much more.

Cameras For Sale

Call Us Today
for Camera Availability

Our Story

In June 2017, Peterborough Camera Shop, offering quality camera products and services to photographers, both amateur and professional, and Copies & More, the duplication, packing, and shipping business, merged to provide you with a one-stop shop for a specific selection of goods and services.

printing services near me

Order Prints Online

Get your photos off your phone or computer and into your hands with easy online ordering tools.

Printing Services

Print any document, create signs and posters, and more from files in nearly any format.

Packing & Shipping

Pack and ship your items so that they arrive safe and secure.

Start your print project today

See what PCCM is up to

5 Things to Know When Getting a Passport Photo

Applying for a passport is a lengthy process no matter how you tackle it. With this in mind, knowing what to expect during each step of the way helps you to prepare and keep things moving smoothly. When it comes to obtaining a passport photo the same holds true.

Photography Classes | A New Perspective

When it comes to capturing pictures, every photographer has a preference on the equipment they use. From the digital Nikon to Canon and Pentax 35mm film cameras, the choice is truly preference. However,  it’s not uncommon for people to invest in these great pieces of equipment and not fully understand the capabilities of the camera.

Public Service Announcement:

Dear Peterborough Camera Customers,
This is a Public Service Announcement to inform you of a recent security issue regarding a company email address

The account has been re-secured, but please ignore any past communications requesting an Amazon gift cards.

Thank you for your cooperation during this difficult time!

– The Peterborough Camera Team